Friday, January 7, 2011

“Is He Still Alive?” (Gen 43:26-45:9)

Then he asked them about their well-being, and said, Is your father well,the old man of whom you spoke? Is he still alive?” (Gen 43:27)

The Lord Jesus, at the Father's command, came into this world to save chosen sinners, preordained by God. He loved us ere we knew Him, and having loved us in the covenant everlastingly, now that we know Him, He will do us good. He is the One responsible for our whole salvation, and He is working all things evil that we've done to save us and others. Be still my soul.

Bless the Lord. He loved you BEFORE you knew Him, putting you in the covenant and promising you life (Gen 43:27). He gave you the Son, while others perish without a Savior (Josh 11:19-20). Not only did He call you to believe, but He gave you and me faith. He has predestined us to life, rather than punishing us as we deserve, leaving us to ourselves, and displaying wrath in our destruction. Now, having loved us so, is it possible that He'd forsake us now that we trust Him?

When we hated God, He loved us. Now we LOOK to Him for provision, and He will not deny us. He will not love us less, now that we are sin-conscience. He will not be against us, now that we are for Him. Be sure that He loves you, and don't cower to anyone else. Serve the God who loves your soul. He gives you freedom and all else... all the following of human rules... is bondage. His love proves that He does us good, and what He commands makes us free!

Secondly, the Son became our surety, with full responsibility for our salvation from START to FINISH (Gen 44:32-33). We read, “For your servant became surety for the lad to my father, saying, If I do not bring him back to you, then I shall bear the blame before my father forever”. Therefore, if we don't make it home safely, then it is His fault. So, we are SURE that we'll get the Holy Spirit, whom we need (Luke 11:13). Wisdom teaches us to casts our needs completely on God through Christ to help, strengthen, and meet the needs of man-soul. We can have all that we need because Christ DIED for us. This gospel truth assures us that walking with God is possible and sure. He has REMOVED the sins, and He will give the grace of obedience. We can do all things through Christ, whom God has made responsible as the channel and guarantee of blessing. He will help us, even when we cannot see.

Thirdly, the Lord promises that our evil has worked good, even salvation (Gen 45:4-6). We read again, “And Joseph said to his brothers, Please come near to me. So they came near. Then he said: I am Joseph your brother, whom you sold into Egypt. But now, do not therefore be grieved or angry with yourselves because you sold me here; for God sent me before you to preserve life”. You and I have wickedly hated God and despised the Christ. We have served self, listened to Satan, and let our selfish desires for supremacy rule us. Yet, God has used every rebellion to save, using all things to save His elect. Now, knowing that evil has been for good, that I fell so that I could be recovered, that my hate was exposed to reveal His love, let me take this GRACE that conquers sin, believing that He is with us now. We have done wrong, but it made me bow to Him now, so serve Him now.

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Heshimu Colar, Pastor

Heshimu Colar, Pastor
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