Sunday, January 16, 2011

“Given Me in this Place” (Gen 48)

“Then Israel saw Joseph's sons, and said, Who are these? Joseph said to his father, They are my sons, whom God has given me in this place. And he said, Please bring them to me, and I will bless them” (vs8-9).

The Lord is our Redeemer. He saves us from sin's consequences, bringing good out of evil and joy out of anguish (Ps 30:5). God is the One who has elected us unto salvation, choosing us out of the world.

First, we experience pain, but He brings joy in the morning (Gen 48:8-11). Joseph said, “They are my sons, whom God has given me in this place”. He was tried in the fire, even as our Lord Jesus, and the fruit of his sufferings was success. God gave him children in the land, and prospered him, in spite of all that he suffered. So it is with us.

We are mocked, despised, self-confessed sinners, battling the devil, flesh, and the temptress of sin. Yet God brings good out of our tears and failures. He blesses us amidst spiritual warfare to be joyful, encouraged, and strengthened by His might (Rom 5:3-4). This GOD Almighty saves us, and He never sent our trial to destroy; it was to bring forth the beauty of Christ, even as His Son died to relieve us of sin, so that we can enjoy God in holiness forever (John 16:19-24). He wept for a night, bearing all sins of His people, and then He rejoiced in the morn of victory, ascended God's right hand, having earned to Himself the two witnesses, His church. Like Him, you'll arise in glory victoriously, because God makes you fruitful in this land, where you are, amidst all that you endure in faithfulness.

Secondly, God redeems us and not we ourselves (Gen 48:15-16). Jacob said, “The God who has fed me all my life long to this day, the Angel who has redeemed me from all evil, bless the lads... and let them grow into a multitude in the midst of the earth”. It is the power of His might, His grace, His love, and His forgiveness enduring forever. We didn't crawl up the sides of the pit, except by the grace of God. He pulled us out of trouble, just like He did Jacob, who was on the run after taking the birthright, on the run after fleeing Laban's house, and fearful before he met Esau, his brother. He says that God delivered him, and that is the confession we declare. We acknowledge that God fixed us, God gave the repentance, God has been good to us Himself. He didn't wait on us to get better or even figure out that we needed help.

Thirdly, the Lord Jesus is OURS because God GAVE Him to us specifically (Gen 48:17-20). When Jacob crossed his hands, to give the blessing to the younger and not the older, he remembered how he got it, and not Esau, how Isaac got it, and not Ishmael, and God has chosen to bless whom He will, even all who believe on His Son by grace alone. Grace is election, and no election = no grace; it is works, and not of God. Scripture says, “Joseph said to his father, Not so, my father, for this one is the firstborn; put your right hand on his head. But his father refused, and said, I know, my son, I know”.

Grace makes one above another, because grace isn't owed to any. I deserve wrath, and grace chose me to be saved. Grace gave me repentance, choosing me instead of someone equally guilty. I have not come to God because God was hiding, and I found Him through my wisdom. He spiritually revealed Himself to me, and you, by the gospel, because He chose to bless you, instead of the angels who fell, and instead of sending you to perish with everyone else.

I'm humbled by this act of God in election, and it is always His action towards us, blessing us from His love, rather than our cleverness to perform. Be free of people-pleasing. God loves you, God pulls you from the pit, and He ALONE saves us continually.

Lift your head high in praise and adoration, and keep your heart low in humility, thankfulness, and fear. This God is the Blesser, and He gives it to whom He will, and no one can be blessed EXCEPT by His approval. Fear no man, and glorify God for all that you have in thanksgiving.

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Heshimu Colar, Pastor

Heshimu Colar, Pastor
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