Monday, December 27, 2010

“Knowing that She Was Dead” (Luke 8:50-9:31)

(vs52-55), Now all wept and mourned for her; but He said, "Do not weep; she is not dead, but sleeping." And they ridiculed Him, knowing that she was dead. But He put them all outside, took her by the hand and called, saying, Little girl, Arise. Then her spirit returned, and she arose immediately”.

Human reasoning is wrong. The Lord Jesus is the truth, and His way is right, only (Luke 8:52-53). We read how the Lord was mocked in His dealings with the dead girl, saying that she was sleep only. But, having the power to wake her, He proved Himself right, as He does always. Likewise, He's called us to live for others, to save their souls, and to obey Him in every aspect of life continually. And, He is not wrong. We are not to take part of the gospel but the whole. We are to eat and drink it all in, receiving TOTAL pardon and the COMMISSION set before us. Live zealously and obediently, no matter what people say.

Secondly, if you need this spiritual life, then God will give you, indeed (Luke 9:11). We read, “But when the multitudes knew it, they followed Him; and He received them and spoke to them about the kingdom of God, and healed those who had need of healing”. He will faithfully help all who NEED help, and “need” is God's gift to us for Christ's sake, whereby the Spirit reveals the SINFULNESS of sin, the blood of the Savior, and the salvation that He gives, which includes holiness, righteousness, peace, and joy. The scriptures speak of a willing God, and if you're willing, obedience is His gift to you freely.

Thirdly, don't discourage yourself: the Lord EARNED the salvation that He gives (Luke 9:30-31). We read about the death or departure that He would “accomplish at Jerusalem”, so that He earned salvation, fulfilling the requirements of God the Father, and giving Himself a ransom whereby He rose again and went back on high. He doesn't call upon us to deserve or contribute a thing. He got to the throne by His blood.

You can be sure Christ is enough to get what you need.

Finally, don't be duped out of Christian zeal.

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Heshimu Colar, Pastor

Heshimu Colar, Pastor
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