Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Any Second - Librae Jackson, Deacon

During my moment of serious contemplation...I did take the opportunity to share some thoughts with my daughter. Shortly after the near accident, I was able to remind her of what I've been trying to convince her of for years: that our lives are so brief, and the only thing that matters is to know God. She verbally agreed with me, and seemed to have some agreement in her heart, given what she'd just witnessed. In fact, at that moment, I think that we both understood how frail and vulnerable we truly are. Our lives are in God's hands, and we don't control as much as we think we do. I normally consider myself to be a careful driver, but for some reason, I wasn't paying attention, and ran a red light. The fact that I could suddenly lose focus, and be plunged into a dangerous situation reminded me that we, as humans, don't control a thing...not even our own thoughts.  Furthermore, the things that hold so much significance to us, are not nearly as significant as we think. Before the near-accident, I had a multitude of things on my mind....but none of those things would've mattered, if death had come for us. The bills wouldn't have mattered. My career ambitions wouldn't have mattered. My daughter's homework, soccer practice, or future college choice wouldn't have mattered. Politics, clothes or music wouldn't have mattered. What we were going to eat that day, or the movie we were going to watch, wouldn't have mattered. The only thing that would have mattered, for that moment and eternity, was if we were ready to meet God. 

I reiterated to her what we'd been hearing in the Gospel for years: that every human being must one day stand before God, the righteous judge, and the only safety from His righteous anger for our evil, is to be found in Christ, His righteous Son, who took that wrath upon Himself. Indeed, God came to earth, and humbled Himself, as a Man. As a Man, He identified with our infirmities....so much so that He suffered grief, pain, rejection, humiliation, sorrow, betrayal, and even death. But His death would be the means, whereby He would save His people. As a Man, though murdered by wicked men, He was actually punished by Holy God, in the place of chosen sinners, even though He, Himself, had done no sin. If we believe Him, we won't have to face the wrath to come....because it was already poured out upon Him, our Substitute. If we follow Him, we'll experience the peace, joy, love and goodness of God - partially in this life, and completely in eternity. The Holy Bible declares these things, and I believe them to be absolutely true. In fact, I stake my soul on them. 

Death is a fact of life. We will all die and be somewhere forever. All of us, deep down in our consciences, are somewhat aware of the fact that there is a place called Heaven, and a place called Hell.  If you're reading this, I know that you consider your own life to be your own business, and your soul is a private issue. I'm just asking you to give it some thought. Let your one soul be something that you consider seriously. Because that's all you'll have when you leave this place. We get one life here, which could be gone at any second. 


Sundiata Librae Jackson    

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Heshimu Colar, Pastor

Heshimu Colar, Pastor
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