Tuesday, July 20, 2010

A Happy Observation - Augustus Toplady

 It is a peculiar happiness to observe, that in matters of spiritual concern, the philosopher and plowman (if truly regenerate) have the same feelings, speak the same language; they all eat of the same spiritual meat, and drink of the same spiritual rock that follows them, and that rock is Christ. Hence that similitude of experience, or to speak figuratively, that strong and striking family likeness which obtains among the converted people of God, in every period of time, and in every nation under heaven. They all, without exception, feel themselves totally ruined by original sin; they, all without exception, take refuge in the righteousness and cross of Christ, and unite in ascribing the whole praise of their salvation to the alone free grace and sovereign mercy of Father, Son, and Spirit.

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Heshimu Colar, Pastor

Heshimu Colar, Pastor
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