Saturday, July 24, 2010

Missionary Update - July 2010 - Jean Claude Souillot

Jean-Claude SOUILLOT tél.: (33) 3
31, rue du chêne e-mail:
71370 Ouroux-sur-Saône - France

Chalon, July 23, 2010

Dear Friends in the Lord,

As most of you will remember, I visited Haïti last November/December, a few weeks before the earthquake struck the capital, Port-au-Prince. I returned there in June to help the students on our Course and the literature outreach started just over a year ago.
As expected, I found much change, with so many collapsed buildings and huge piles of rubble everywhere. Tents occupy nearly every available space, even to the central reservation on the road out of the city. Many people live in tents, still frightened to go inside the remaining buildings when these are still up. International aid is very slow to come. The infrastructure of the country is in shamble, generating much discontent. But life tries to go on as usual in the midst of this chaos. Unfortunately, individualism shows up everywhere.

I was able to meet up with most of the students that are active on the Cours de formation continue preacher’s training course. Most have lost their home, but they do not complain about their situation. One of them, Jean David, lives with his wife and 6 children in a tiny tent with his widowed sister and her 4 children in the next tent. Thankfully, I was able to pass some gifts from believers in France directly to some of the men.

As the postal system, already very poor, is now totally non existent, I took a laptop with me which we secured in the Emmaus Christian bookshop. All the elements for the Course are on the computer, available to students for their work. In the goodness of the Lord, despite many buildings around being reduced to rubble, the bookshop is still standing and in operation. I was there for 3 afternoons, and saw a constant stream of people come in to buy books. We are preparing another large consignment of books to send there as the sales since January have been very encouraging. There is a great need for good biblical literature.

I had many opportunities to preach, often from morning till dusk. Religion is rampant (the national lottery is called “the everlasting Father” !). Preaching fully based on the Word surprises people, and this creates an opportunity to have their ears for a time. May the Lord touch hearts. In December, I preached in a large church in particular and felt much liberty and unction. Apparently one gentleman was touched by the Word, but he was not there this time, having died in the quake. We need to keep the vision of the power of the Word for whoever hears.


I plan to arrive in the republic of Congo for the first time on Monday July 26 and be there for 2 weeks. I have been invited to teach groups of church leaders there in 3 locations. I am not sure what is the exact situation, but it is an open door ; most of those who will gather have never heard the Gospel of Free Grace. A friend of mine lives in Congo and is interested in our literature. We have shipped a large consignment of books which we will sell during my stay, and hope to continue afterwards. After Congo, I will fly to Bénin and Togo to attend 2 Bible camps where I have been invited to preach. Please, pray for strength and many opportunities to uphold the message of salvation that is in Christ. Wendy will join me in Bénin, which will be particularly nice.

Thank you for your interest in the work and support in prayer and fellowship. May the Lord magnify His holy name.


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Heshimu Colar, Pastor

Heshimu Colar, Pastor
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