Wednesday, June 30, 2010

"The Pillar and Ground of the Truth" (1 Tim 3:15-16) - Darvin Pruitt, Pastor

The church of the living God as she is seen in her local assemblies is the pillar and ground of the truth. Though these assemblies are few and far between they alone have the light of the gospel of Jesus Christ. They stand wherever God has gathered them as a light in a world filled with darkness and ignorance. We are not here to reform the world, take up its issues, or influence its politics. We are here to preach the gospel of God’s sovereign grace in Christ to as many as will give us a hearing. There are four things concerning the church of which I am being made more aware of every day. 1)The gospel is the only thing left in this world that can do sinners any good at all. 2)To change or reform the habits and practices of men by laws and punishments only leave men in self righteousness and false hope. 3)The gospel of Christ regenerates, creates anew, and 3) is sufficient in the power of God’s Holy Spirit to do what all else is doomed to fail. -


  1. Great message! The Gospel is the only thing that makes me do anything good & holy as my flesh is constantly falling short.


Heshimu Colar, Pastor

Heshimu Colar, Pastor
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