Monday, June 21, 2010

Hymn - "The Call" (Rom 12:1)


I call you by His wondrous love
To serve in power, blessed
I teach you how by His own love
To walk with Him in rest.

I call you by His love to you
To love Him in return
To live upon His good to you
And praise His love with love.

I call you now with fearful breadth
I bid you rise and run
I see beneath your awful head
A noose that He has wrung

Oh flee to Him the Lamb of God
Rejoice He loved you so!
He took the noose around His neck
And swung from hell’s gallow

He paid the debt you’ve been set free
Your ransom day is past
You have by faith a happy end
And show it with your love.

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Heshimu Colar, Pastor

Heshimu Colar, Pastor
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